• The main aim of the KVM ELITES is to provide a good and strong bridge for the students, faculty and the institutefor mutual benefit and synergy. It is the constitutional member’s responsibility to make the alumni association effective, proficient and powerful.
  • To provide a lifelong relation and to act as a forum for the exchange of information among its members.
  • To organise and establish scholarship funds to help the needy and deserving students.
  • To provide career development and guidance.
  • To create interest and motive to the alumní to participate in the progress of the institute and make them contribute towards the enhancement of their Almamater.
  • To renew contacts and strengthen relationships among former students and
    keep alive the pride and fame of KVM ELITES.
  • To organise academic activities like lectures, seminars, workshops etc. for the benefit of the students and members. 
  • To render educational, social, cultural, medical and charitable activities to
    the poor, irrespective of caste or creed.
  • To sponsor technical and scientific projects and activities of the poor students of outstanding merits in academic and non -academic fields.
  • To receive grants, donation, gifts, etc. from Government, Quasi-Government organizations/ institutions, Municipalities, Panchayats, members and other institutions and for that purpose to enter into agreement with them if necessary to achieve the objects of the association. To grants, donation, gift etc. received only as per Charitable Societies Registration Act 1955. The Amount will beutilized as per the provisions in the Government order.