KVM College of pharmacy, Kokkothamangalam, Varanad P O, Cherthala – 688543



2) FULL ADDRESS: KVM ELITES Building No. XXI/83, C/o KVM College of Pharmacy, Kokkothamangalam, Varanad PO, Cherthala-688543

3) Location : Cherthala

4) Area of Operation : Varanad Ward & Panchayath

5) Aims and Objects

  1. The main aim of the KVM ELITES is to provide a good and strong bridge for the students, faculty and the institute for mutual benefit and synergy. It is the constitutional member’s responsibility to make the alumini association effective, proficient and powerful.
  2. To provide a lifelong relation and to act as a forum for the exchange of information among its members.
  3. To organise and establish scholarship funds to help the needy and deserving students.
  4. To provide career development and guidance.
  5. To create interest and motive to the alumni to participate in the progress of the institute and make them contribute towards the enhancement of their Alma mater.
  6. To renew contacts and strengthen relationships among former students and keep alive the pride and fame of KVM ELITES
  7. To organise academic activities like lectures, seminars, workshops etc. for the benefit of the students and members.
  8. To render educational, social, cultural, medical and charitable activities to the poor, irrespective of caste or creed.
  9. To sponsor technical and scientific projects and activities of the poor students of outstanding merits in academic and non -academic fields.
  10. To receive grants, donation, gifts etc. from Government, Quasi-Government organizations/institutions, Municipalities, Panchayaths, members and other institutions and for that purpose to enter into agreement with them if necessary to achieve the objects of the association. To grants, donation, gift etc. received only as per Charitable Societies Registration Act 1955. The Amount will be utilized as per the provisions in the Government order.


    Any former student who has completed one academic year in the KVM College of Pharmacy shall be eligible for membership of the association.

    Registration fees: After all the suggestion and discussion, a registration fees for students have been finalised. It is decided to collect the registration fees from students during the last sessions of the respective curriculum.

    The details are as follows:

    1. Pharm D (6th Year)- Rs. 750/-
    2. B. Pharm (8th semester) – Rs. 500/-
    3. D. Pharm (2nd years)- Rs. 400/-


    1.The Executive Committee shall consist of,

    1. President
    2. Secretary
    3. Treasurer
    4. Joint Secretary
    5. Four Executive Members.

    2. Members of the Executive Committee who do not attended two consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee without sufficient reason shall forefiet their office in the Executive Committee.

    3. In such a case, the president shall nominate on recommendation of the Executive Committee.

    1. An office bearer of executive from among the members of the Executive Committee.
    2. A member of the committee from among the live members of association.


    1. The Office Bearers and Member of the Executive Committee shall be elected in the Annual General Body meeting of the association.
    2. The executive committee shall be in office for one year.
    3. An audit committee consist of two members one elected by the General Body and the other nominated by the Principal. The auditors shall verify the account and make reports which shall be submitted to the executive committee 4 days before the Annual General Body Meeting.
    4. Meeting of the Executive Committee.
      • There shall be at least two meetings every year and whenever necessary. The meeting shall be legally constituted if more than one third of the members are present.
      • Notice for the meeting shall be given to the members 7 days prior to the stipulated date of the meeting.
      • An extra ordinary meeting shall be convened at the written request of five members of the executive.
      • Decisions taken by the executive shall be binding to all members unless challenged by two third majority in the general body meeting.


    The President shall;

    1. President over the meeting of the Executive Committee and General Body.
    2. Sign on behalf of the Association in any document for the purchase and sale of any property as per the decision of the Executive Committee or General Body.
    3. Represent in all suits filed by the Association or in any suits against the Association and to become party – in such on behalf of the Association.
    4. Sign in the minute’s book of the proceedings of the meeting of the General Body and Executive Committee.
    5. Sign such documents as are necessary evidencing the borrowings for the purpose of the Association.


    In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall exercise all the powers and duties of the President. The Executive Committee may entrust such other duties to the Vice-Presidents as it deems fit.


    1. The Secretary shall be responsible for the general administration of the Association.
    2. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to call the meetings of General Body and Executive Committee; to record the minutes of the meetings of the General Body and Executive Committee; to take steps to implement the decisions of the General Body and Executive Committee; to attend to the correspondence.
    3. The Secretary shall keep the accounts and all records of the Association.
    4. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to verify and pass all expenditure vouchers.


    1. The Treasurer shall transact all the receipts and payments of the Association subject to the Secretary’s direction.
    2. The Treasurer shall keep all the accounts of the receipts and payments correctly and keep the cash and all other movable assets safely.
    3. The Treasurer shall keep the Pass Book, Cheque Book, Vouchers, and all other records safely.
    4. Bank Accounts shall be opened by the President, Secretary and Treasurer in the Bank as decided by the Executive Committee. The Bank account shall be operated by the Secratary along with anyone of the President or Treasurer. If for any reason the bank account could not be operated by the Treasurer, the President and Secretary can operate the Bank account with the approval of the executive Committee.


    1. General Body meeting shall be held at least once a year. It shall be convened by the Executive Committee. Notice to the General Body shall be sent 14 days prior to the meeting. Twenty members shall constitute the quorum of any General Body meeting.
    2. In case the meeting does not take place in the absence of a quorum, it shall be conducted on a convenient date after two weeks after giving due notice to the members. The members present at that meeting shall from the quorum.
    3. A special meeting of the General Body shall be called when request to that effect is made by not less than 20 live members of the association.
    4. The President or in his absence the Vice-President or in the absence of the Vice-President, one member elected at the meeting shall preside over the General Body meeting.
    5. All the persons signed in the admission register shall become the members of the General Body.
    6. General Body members shall have the right of vote.
    7. The General Body meeting shall convene as and when necessary. The annual General Body meeting shall ordinarily meet once in a year in the month of April. The date of the meeting may be decided by the Governing Board in consultation with the President. Notice of the meeting shall be sent not less than 15 days before the date of the meeting. Quorum for the meeting shall be one third of the total number of General Body.


    The bye-law of the Association or any article or clause may be a amended or added at the General Body meeting by a two third majority of the members present, provided notice of such proposed amendments is given to the executive committee not less than 7 days prior to the date of the meeting.

    11) ACCOUNTS

    1. The Secretary shall present the audited statement of account in the General Body after being approved by the Executive Committee.
    2. The Bank Account shall be jointly operated by the President and Secretary.
    3. The cash in hand with the Secretary shall not exceed Rs. 1000/-.

    12) WINDING UP

    1. If the Association or the Executive Committee is found not functioning for two consecutive years the Secretary shall form an ad-hoc committee of three live members which shall convene a General Body meeting within a month by giving a notice of 14 days prior to the date of meeting. An executive committee shall be elected in this General Body meeting.
    2. If the Ad-hoc committee also fails to convene the General Body Meeting within six months, the assets of the Association shall go to the Secretary of KVM College of Pharmacy, for the sole purpose of utilising for the Association.


    1. The Governing Board shall meet at least once in every six months and discuss the progress of the society.
    2. The quorum of the meeting shall be three.
    3. Notice of the meeting shall be send not less than three days before the date of the meeting.
    4. An urgent meeting of the Governing Board can be convened by giving 24 hours’ notice. Quorum for the urgent meeting shall be four.

    14) BOARD AND SEAL: The Society should have a seal and name board.

    15) SOURCES OF INCOME: The main source of income of the society shall be Membership fee, monthly subscription, Donation, grant from Central or State Governments, Social Welfare Board or other funding agencies and also undertaken by the society.


    1. The funds of the Society should be utilised only for the purpose envisaged in the bye-laws.
    2. The funds/assets shall not be utilised for payment to the trustees/members by way of profit/interest/ dividend etc.
    3. The financial year of the Association shall be form 1st April to next 31st March.


    Bank account may be opened in one or more banks as may be decided by the Governing Board from time to time. It shall be operated by the President and the Secretary jointly or any person or persons authorised by the Governing Board.


    Any amendment to the Memorandum of Association or Bye-Laws of the Society should be made only with the prior approval of the Commissioner of Income Tax.


    If upon the winding up or dissolution of the society there remains after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities any property what so ever the same shall not be paid to or distributed amongst the members of the society, but shall be given or transferred to some other unit of the Congregation or Society having objects similar to those of the society to be determined by the members of the society at the time of winding up or dissolution or to the Kerala Government. The Society Register to the 12th act of 1955.

    We the undersigned being the eight members of the Governing Board members hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the Bye-Laws approved in the General Body meeting held on 21 February 2023 of the said Society.
    Through our institution are only charitable purposes as specified in the Travancore- Cochin litarary-Scientific and Charitable Society registration act 1955 9XII.